Best Practices for Web Content Writing: 6 Simple Tips

by | Dec 29, 2023 | Business writing

Would you like to read a webpage that’s written like a book or blog? Chances are… you wouldn’t. Writing web content is very different from any other kind of writing. For one, on a webpage, writers share information as briefly as possible. Web content is designed to share valuable information and insights about your products and services with potential customers. 

Interestingly, people consume content on a webpage very differently as compared to other forms of media: they hardly read; they skim. Usually, they read only about 20% of the words on a web page. So, how do you write effective web content that is easy for users to read and digest? You need to follow certain web content writing best practices to catch the user’s attention. Let’s look at a couple of pointers.


  • Create a roadmap for the content

First, have a clear picture of the purpose of your website. Know if you’re trying to inform, influence, or entertain users and what action you want them to take. Also, ensure that the purpose aligns with your business objectives.

  • Zero in on your target audience

Second, web content writing best practice is learning about the age, socio-economic status, and gender of your audience. Find out which social media platforms they use and the websites they visit. Then, tailor your language, tone, and examples to what resonates most with your particular audience demographic.

  • Start strong

Just as the first line of a good book sparks your interest, good website content should hold your attention. Always write an impactful bold statement at the beginning to instill curiosity, and encourage readers to find out more.

  • Be concise 

Next, long sentences with complex structures are best avoided. Cut out big words, redundancies and marketing jargon.  Additionally, be clear and direct and use simple language in the active voice.

Web readers have very short attention spans — they skim through the first few sentences and decide whether it interests them or not. To get your message across, write the most important information at the top of the page and gradually drill down to the more specific details and supporting information later.

  • Structure your content well

Last, use keywords throughout your content so that search engines pick up the website easily. Web content writing best practices emphasise utilising descriptive headings and subheadings to break up your text and make it more readable. Furthermore, keep your paragraphs short and include white spaces between them to ensure your text is easy to scan.

Website content writing is a key aspect of online marketing. The success of your online business relies heavily on effective content writing for the website by informing, engaging, and influencing your audience. Take the smart decision to engage professional content writers and make your website stand out from the crowd.

If you are designing your company website or are a designer looking for assistance in writing effective web content, get in touch with Sravasti’s today! We will help you optimize your content for your target keywords, improve readability, and make an impact.

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Image: Sravasti and Kelly Sikkema


Author: Mitul Bose