Remote Work and Content Creation

Remote Work and Content Creation

Remote work and content creation have been prevalent since the late 1990s. As a consultant, I have been working remotely and creating content since 2005, utilising tools like emails, Skype, remote desktop solutions like Citrix and TeamViewer, online forums, project...

The Nepali Truck Art Story

The Nepali Truck Art Story

The story of Nepali truck art, the artists and its impact on the travellers While travelling on meandering Nepali highways, you curse the dusty, smoky roads, which are perpetually under repair. You get stuck behind a smoke-belching truck or tanker. The smoke...

To Climb the Highest Mountains

To Climb the Highest Mountains

The adventurous life of a female guide of Nepal's Everest Region   The warm smile on Kandu Sherpa’s face belies the hardships she has experienced to become a guide and help trekkers walk the challenging Himalayan trails. Like her smile, her petite frame gives no...