In the Eye of the Storm

by | Apr 6, 2020 | Guest Blog, Social Trends

Uncertainty… the worst part about this pandemic.

About when we will be able to go back to our normal lives as we knew it…

About life after the lock down is over…

About our jobs…

About whether food supplies will be normal…

About the travel plans we had…

About the pending examinations…

And of course, about the thousands of people below the poverty line who are suffering everyday….

Staying strong in isolation is important

Yes, the anxiety and uncertainty are no less dangerous than the actual disease itself. Added to that, we have the countless forwards and posts on social media giving us information about the pandemic. It’s very easy to be influenced by any of these. The more you read, the more you worry and you could, possibly, spread the fear. Unfortunately, there’s no ‘social distancing’ from these!

Anxiety has been proven to trigger fear in our brains. We need to be careful and develop good mental hygiene in order to bide time for the last couple of weeks in social isolation.

So, let’s make a plan on World Health Day for ourselves.

Take it one day at a time, make a schedule for yourself, keep busy and don’t think too much about the future right now. Make it a point to take a couple of hours off everyday from your mobile and keep your furry friends close. Let’s just remember, the most important thing right now is for us to be mentally strong and keep ourselves and our families safe and healthy.

Take care folks!


Text: Mitul Bose

Image: Sravasti Ghosh Dastidar